Blueprints are used to upgrade various parts of your car and improve its overall performance.

There are 4 grades of blueprints: white (the most basic, in earlier versions of the game they didn't drop but came with the car when you bought it), blue, yellow and black (the highest). Higher level blueprints usually result in better performance.

Blueprints are obtained by winning various races (Underground Tournament, Toyo Series, Live Races, Car Series, etc.). You can also buy blueprints from the in-game market.

How to use blueprints:

  • After receiving the blueprint, you can find it in your Storage (Garage -> Items). You can also see them when you enter the Upgrade section of your garage.
  • Once you've got the cash and kits needed to install the blueprint, go to the Car and Parts upgrade section. You should see the blueprint icon at the bottom - simply tap it and press Install!