After purchasing the "Investment" subscription, you will receive 25/30/32 gold daily for 1/3/12 months from the exact moment of purchase. Immediately after the purchase, you should receive the first day's gold AND the instant reward. The amount of daily gold and instant reward depends on the length of your subscription.
The gold is added to your account balance when you launch the game. If you don't start the game within the day, no Daily Gold is added.
Daily Gold:
- 25 gold  = 1 month
- 30 gold = 3 months
- 32 gold =Â Â 12 months
Instant reward:
- 300 gold = 1 month
- 700 gold = 3 months
- 1800 gold = 12 months
Instant reward is received once when you subscribe the first time.
Gold does not accumulate when you don't enter the game. Visit the game daily so you don't miss out on your gold! Unless you've turned notifications off, the game will send push notifications to remind you.
You can always check how many days are left on your subscription in your account settings in the store where you made your purchase.
Remember, having 2 "Investment" subscriptions in one Store account is not possible.
Gold Investment subscription is only available in Play Store and App Store version of Nitro Nation.
It's also worth noting that if you've purchased an old Lifetime subscription, it will remain active regardless. You can purchase our new "Investment" subscription while having your old one active. In this case, they will be active simultaneously. Please note that the new notifications will be a bit larger than the old ones, so you can distinguish between the two more easily. Lifetime subscription adds 25 gold per day.