Google Play

  1. Visit
  2. Tap Activity
  3. Tap the purchase in question
  4. This should open a transaction details screen. Send us TRANSACTION ID unique code.

iOS App Store

  1. Go to
  2. Sign in with your Apple ID and password.
  3. A list of your recent purchases appears.
  4. Share with us screenshot of the purchase, where its name and time & date are visible.

Microsoft Store

  1. Visit
  2. Tap Open your order history
  3. Log in with your Microsoft account
  4. Share with us a screenshot of the purchase, where its name and time & date are visible.

Huawei App Gallery

  1. Go to system Settings - Account center - Payment and purchases - Purchase history.
  2. Tap the purchase and take a screenshot of the purchase information, where name, price and TRANSACTION NUMBER (номер транзакции) is visible.


Samsung Galaxy Store

  1. Open Galaxy Store on your phone, log in your Samsung account and tap Menu button on the bottom.
  2. Find Receipts here and tap it.
  3. Download/screenshot the Nitro Nation receipts from here and send them to us.

Another way - check your Samsung account email when you make a purchase on Galaxy Store - you should receive an email with the receipt here.